Exercises to get rid of the stubborn belly fat!

Having a flat and taut tummy is every person's dream when they think about losing weight! Nobody's to blame cause who does not want to slip into a pair of jeans without having a muffin top?

Corey Phelps, a fitness trainer and nutrition expert says that "Spot reduction isn't a viable approach to losing belly fat but there are some great core-focused exercises that will torch fat all over the body, resulting in a strong and more chiseled core."

Exercises/combination of the following exercises can help lose that stubborn body fat and give you a strong and toned core!

  1. Burpees
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Turkish get-ups
  4. Medicine ball burpees
  5. Sprawls
  6. Side-to-side ball slams
  7. Overhead ball slams
  8. Russian Twists
  9. High and Low Planks
  10. Running uphill

Check out this video to understand it better.