Hospital Details

Hospital details like registration certificate/number of beds/OT/ availability of round the clock doctor/nurse are not just administrative requirements but crucial details to validate your insurance claims.

Why are these details important?

  • Registration certificate validates the hospital’s credibility and its adherence to legal standards
  • Operational details like number of beds help insurers determine if the hospital meets the criteria for the type of facilities covered in the policy.  A hospital with less than 5 number of beds will not fulfil the criteria for inpatient hospitalisation.
  • Information like availability of round the clock  staff demonstrate that the facility was equipped to provide necessary care
  • Detailed hospital information ensures that treatments were conducted in recognised facilities, crucial to identify and prevent fraudulent claims

How to get these details?

You can contact the hospital administration for details regarding registration certificates, staff availability, and operational capacity.  Local health departments or regulatory agencies that oversee healthcare facilities are other credible sources as they’ll have records of licensed hospitals.


Submitting hospital details on time is an important part of ensuring an expedited claim processing. Apart from validating the legitimacy of the claim and the medical facility, it also helps patients to receive the coverage they are entitled to.

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