Prompt submission of required documents is key in ensuring that your health insurance claim is effectively processed. Original pharmacy and consultation bills are crucial among them.
Why is it important?
Original pharmacy bills act as an invoice of the medicines bought and provides details such as:
- Name of the pharmacy and its contact details
- Medication details like, name, dosage, quantity, and refills
- Prescription of the medicines purchased
- Advice letter for investigations
- Amount paid
- Patient’s details
- Date of the transaction
Original consultation bills, on the other hand, gives:
- Doctor’s details
- Date of consultation
- Diagnosis and treatment code
- Type of consultation/procedure done
- Fees charged
How to get these documents?
For original pharmacy bills:
Ask for the bill/invoice from the pharmacy. If it doesn’t have all the details, specifically ask for a detailed one. You can also download digital bills/invoices through the pharmacy’s app/ website, if available.
For original consultation bills:
After your consultation with a doctor or healthcare provider, request the original bill directly from the hospital or clinic.
Always ensure that you stay proactive and keep track of the necessary documents. In case you forget/ lose something, act quickly and obtain them. This will help you stay prepared for any claims or reimbursement processes that may arise.
In case of doubts or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!