Science of Happiness

Science of Happiness

Leading a happy life is an aspiration for all of us. Happiness, experts say, is a subjective matter while a new car brings happiness to some, for others it is all about being at home. Still, no matter our condition, being happy is important as it is linked to our health. Let’s understand the connection between health and happiness.

Health and happiness

The link between health and happiness is scientifically connected through intricate physiological processes in the human body, where the communication between nerve cells plays a pivotal role. This neural communication intricately regulates essential aspects such as mood, emotional well-being, and physiological responses, encompassing vital functions like body temperature and heart rate.

Here is a bit about the science behind happiness.

  • Happiness boosts serotonin, the joy hormone.
  • It maintains the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine (controls mood)
  • It controls the release of cortisol, the stress trigger.
  • Happiness strengthens the immune system.
  • It triggers endorphins, which eases pain.
  • It relaxes the body, fostering comfort.

Happiness leads to less stress and thus there are fewer chances of lifestyle-related illnesses. But as no pill or prescription is available for happiness, research suggests the key is being self-content.

Mantras of happiness

While the idea of happiness differs from person to person, here are some general mantras for achieving self-happiness. 

  • Be thankful for what you have.
  • Be good to yourself and others.
  • Respect relationships.
  • Help others.
  • Exercise.
  • Try having new experiences.
  • Develop positivity. 
  • Have hobbies (music, dance, painting, cooking etc.)

Guarding your happiness

  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Avoid negative talk and gossip.
  • Limit social media use.

What happens when you are unhappy?

  • Health impact: Unhappiness is linked to anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
  • Behavioural effects: Unhappiness may lead to temper issues and addictive behaviours.
  • Life impact: Unhappiness influences life, relationships and career.
  • Appearance influence: Unhappiness might even alter one’s physical appearance.
  • Long-term risks: Prolonged unhappiness can escalate into serious psychological issues.
  • Psychiatric concerns: Continuous unhappiness could lead to psychiatric challenges.

How to overcome sadness?

Psychologists say happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Even a happy life can have a measure of darkness. The word ‘happy’ itself would lose meaning if it is not balanced by sadness. Overcoming sadness and promoting happiness involves a combination of psychological, emotional and behavioural strategies. Here are some suggestions:

  • Acknowledge and accept emotions.
  • Identify the cause (For example: a lack of open communication with a close friend may contribute to feelings of unhappiness).
  • Positive thinking.
  • Connect with others.
  • Engage in activities you enjoy.
  • Practice self-care.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Seek professional help.

Long-term goals to boost happiness:

Investing time and effort in building a happy vibe around oneself requires time and determination. Here are a few tips on long-term goals that can help boost happiness.

  • Continuous learning, skill development and self-improvement
  • Being open to facing diversifications such as embracing new challenges or adapting to changing circumstances. 
  • Planning a vacation
  • Engaging in acts of kindness and contributing to the well-being of others.


Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness. Balancing both is crucial for a healthy and happy life. This requires accepting new circumstances with patience and equanimity. By cultivating self-awareness and resilience, we empower ourselves to appreciate the moments of joy and fulfilment, contributing significantly to our overall happiness and well-being. 

 -Content partner Happiest Health

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