Original Pre-numbered Receipts

To ensure the process is convenient and swift for a hassle-free claim settlement, we seek your support in ensuring the availability of every mandatory component critical to evaluating and scrutinising your claim. By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, you can navigate the claims process confidently, ensuring a smoother path to reimbursement.

The availability of the original pre-numbered receipts for every payment made to the hospital, pharmacy, or lab is critical for assessing your claim. 

Understanding Pre-Numbered Receipts:

A pre-numbered receipt is a document with a unique serial number pre-printed on it before acknowledging any payment transactions. These receipts, organised sequentially in ascending order within a pre-numbered receipt book or series, are tangible proof of financial transactions between you, the insured party, and the hospital.

The Significance of Original Pre-Numbered Receipts in Reimbursement Claims:

Pre-numbered receipts are vital documentation, recording each payment made towards the hospital’s service. They validate the financial transactions reflected in the final bill’s breakdown, forming the cornerstone for auditing insurers and determining claim eligibility. These receipts are necessary to assess your reimbursement claims accurately.

What does a pre-numbered receipt look like?

Original Pre-numbered Receipts

Addressing Challenges:

Failing to tackle the challenge of providing the requested pre-numbered receipt within the stipulated timeframe can lead to your claim closure. 


In summary, pre-numbered receipts are integral proof in validating payments against each itemised entry on your hospital’s final bill. They justify the approved amount for any eligible reimbursement claim. For an efficient and fair decision on your claim, we recommend you share the highlighted missing receipt at the earliest by contacting the hospital promptly upon being notified of the shortfall from our team. 

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