Pregnancy is an incredibly special phase of life for both parents to be. The mother to be goes through changes not just in her body but also in her mind. While taking good care of the new mom-to-be is essential, it is also important to visit a gynecologist on a regular basis to ensure that the mother and the baby are safe and healthy. There are a host of tests* that the Doctor may recommend over the course of the three trimesters. Some of these tests are listed below.
First Trimester :
- Blood pressure – High blood pressure during pregnancy can affect the health of the mother’s kidney and liver. Regular blood pressure checks can help diagnose the symptoms early on, if any.
- Blood tests – This test will check for hepatitis B, HIV, anemia, or STD. The lab will also check for the Rh factor i.e the compatibility of the mother’s blood to the child.
- Abdominal measurement – This helps in checking the size and growth of the baby.
Second Trimester:
- Ultrasound tests – Cold ultrasound gel is applied all over the mother’s belly and a transducer is used to check the movement, heartbeat and placement of the baby within the womb.
- Chromosomal and neural tube defect screening – These tests are important as they check if the baby has Down’s Syndrome, Spina Bifida, or Cystic Fibrosis.
Third Trimester:
- Glucose challenge screening – This test is used to check gestational diabetes also known as high blood sugar which is a common occurrence during pregnancy.
- Non-stress test – This test is primarily carried out to check if the baby is getting enough oxygen by measuring its heart rate. It is performed during the third trimester.
While you get these tests don’t forget to relax, and enjoy this beautiful phase of life. Stay happy and stress-free!
*Please note that it is recommended to follow your Doctor’s advice before getting the above tests. The tests recommended may change upon physical examination of the baby and the mother’s health.