Constipation is a common condition that makes it difficult to have a bowel movement. A wide variety of diseases, disorders, and conditions can lead to constipation, including lifestyle changes, dehydration, malignancy, inflammation, a poor diet, pregnancy, or hemorrhoids. Serious and life-threatening causes of constipation include colon cancer and bowel obstruction.
People of all ages experience constipation occasionally. Below are a few things that you can do to reduce constipation. These include:
- Add more fiber to your diet – food, such as beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are high in fiber.
- Drink more water – Being dehydrated causes your stool to dry out. This makes having a bowel movement more difficult and painful.
- Don’t wait – When you have the urge to have a bowel movement, don’t hold it in. This causes the stool to build up.
- Physical activity – Exercise is helpful in keeping your bowel movements regular.
- Talk to your doctor – if you are being treated for certain diseases that are related to constipation. He may have additional guidance for lowering your risks.