Building healthy breakfast habits

We live in a busy world, surrounded by continuous tasks, work, and chores of life. All of which makes us likely to neglect our health and the kind or amount of food we eat. The most important meal of all is breakfast, as you’ve heard. The term “most essential meal” refers to the fact that breakfast helps in weight management and boosts energy levels.

According to a survey, skipping breakfast was the most common habit among Indians. Missing out on breakfast is not recommended. Though a nutritious diet is not just about your breakfast or the number of meals you consume daily, skipping breakfast makes it harder to achieve the needed nutrients by the end of the day and leaves you feeling lethargic in the morning.

We will cover some simple-to-follow tips that you can add to your daily life’s subconscious pattern. We believe that healthy eating is more successful when it’s about habit building than forcing yourself to restrict yourself from certain foods.

When we work on small steps rather than big ones, our body – both mentally and physically – is able to adapt to it naturally which further aids good health and shape. This process rather feels fun and usually sustains forever when done rightly.

While forced dieting might be a successful model for people for several days, weeks, or even months, when they lose control it might be likely to get deep into unhealthy eating habits resulting in worse shape and health.

Hydration is your next station! Start your day with the most essential fluid of life – water. It is a rather simple habit to build and is crucial for your body to kick-start as your body gets rid of waste through body fluids once you wake up, hence it is important to refuel your body’s engine. 

Vitamin C is the key Fruits like oranges and pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, which is super beneficial for the body. It helps in skin nourishment and lowers the risk of having cardiovascular diseases.

Protein to help you boost up your body Do you wish to start your day with a bunch of energy? Great! Just incorporate food rich in protein like eggs, meat, and beans, or you can even go for fruits like guavas, avocados, apricots, bananas, peaches, and so many more. Having a protein-rich diet helps the body’s immune system as well, so when are you starting your daily dose of protein?

Fiber it up Fiber is the greatest player in maintaining your gut health. It helps in boosting immunity, keeps blood sugar in check, and aids the digestive system. Its non-digestible nature aids gut health.

Some veggie and fruit before you scoot Here are some great options that you can mix up with different types of meals to make your meals more healthier and exciting. For eg: Adding fruits to oatmeal or adding some bell peppers while making eggs.

  • Bells peppers
  • Berries
  • Broccoli 
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Blueberries
  • Sweet red peppers
  • Avocados

Cut down morning sugar While it is hard to cut down sugar entirely, there are much healthier alternatives available in the market providing similar taste. Even sugar is found naturally in many foods including an abundance of fruits. So if you like sweet things, good news! It is time to replace and not restrict because fruits are just as delicious!